Working From Home? Welcome to My World…

To all of you newly found work from homers, I say welcome, welcome home. From someone who has been working from home for so long now, I can barely remember what office life is like, I will tell you it definitely has it’s own set of ups and downs.

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I have seen the trend towards remote workers coming for some time now, but I can assure you, I did not think it would be forced into popularity by a pandemic! Pause for shock, right? Just saying it is weird. Anywho, as I was getting ready this morning, I started thinking about what the transition was first like for me and how I have made it into a way of life I’m not sure I could ever give up at this point.

I’m sure you’ve all read the various blogs and social posts about how to best be productive in your new work environment, but I want to remind you of something you may not hear. Enjoy this time! Enjoy working from your favorite chair, hanging with your dog, looking out on your favorite view. Most of you will have to go back to the office life before you know it, and you may not get a chance to work like this again for some time, if ever for that matter.

Everything you have read is right, you shouldn’t work in your pj’s, you should have some kind of routine, blah blah blah. But, nobody says you need to get into your best business casual and post up at your tiny home office desk. Why not grab your favorite pair of yoga pants and that oh-so comfy sweater you’ve had for 15 years and set up a make shift office in your favorite nook of your house. Make something fun for yourself for lunch instead of the standard salad or sandwich you pack every day. Have fun with being in your own space and take advantage of being your own boss for awhile.

Another thing that many at home workers may overlook is to take a lunch. Take a real break and stop working for awhile. I like to make myself a smoothie or maybe a bowl of cereal for lunch because hey, why not, and catch up on a Netflix episode, or read the headlines on my patio, or take my dog for a walk around the lake. Whatever you do, do something. Otherwise, you will start to resent being home all the time. If you make your home feel too much like work, where do you go when you want to actually relax?

At the end of the day, most of you working from home right now are not necessarily there by choice. Whether it be your company, government, or whatever the reason, I want to tell you to try and enjoy it, because before you know it, you’ll be at the ol’ water cooler again wearing your uncomfortable work shoes, having to look at pictures of your coworkers niece at her school recital. Enjoy the quiet, enjoy the peace, and turn it into your dream job while it lasts.